The purpose of the BIS Art Club is to encourage passionate student artists to try new techniques and enrich exposure to art and creativity through projects and community service activities around campus.

How to Join

Art Club is open for any student interested in visual arts!  Please sign up early as spots fill up fast!  Art Club is a great place to meet different people with common interests!  Please pick up a membership form from Mrs. King in E-2 or access form below in "resources".  Turn in completed form no later than August 25, 2023.  

We have two sessions students can choose from.  Session 1 is from Sept - Dec and Session 2 is from Jan - April.  Meetings are the first Wednesday OR Thursday of each month from 2:40-4:00 pm.    Sessions and days are on a first come first serve basis. 

****There is a $15 Art Club Fee.  **** Invitation to pay via SchoolCash online will be sent once membership form is turned in and session preference is available.

Optional club t-shirt is available for purchase at the time of membership registration!  These shirts may be worn daily!  

Art Club T-Shirt $10


Mrs. King                                                                               Phone:  549-5330                                                         Email:  jennifer.king@bossierschools.org