2020-2021 Scheduling

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are going to ask our students to complete their 2020-2021 school year schedule electronically. Please note that MOST 2020-2021 freshmen have already completed the scheduling process with the Freshman Counselor, Mrs. Garrett. All current 9th-11th grade students will need to complete the scheduling process that is presented within this website.

Question and Answer Section

When do I need to have the Google Scheduling Form submitted?

You MUST have the scheduling form submitted to your counselor by May 8, 2020. No schedules will be accepted after this date.

Am I guaranteed to get the courses I have selected?

No, you are not guaranteed to get the courses you have selected by submitting the Google Scheduling Form. Your counselor is using this form as a predictor of courses needed and how many. Your counselor will first confirm what courses you need for your graduation pathway. Then she will make every effort to schedule the courses you have selected. Unfortunately, there is no way to ensure you will get all of the courses you have selected.

What happens if I do not get the Google Scheduling Form submitted by May 8, 2020?

If you do not submit a form, your counselor will schedule you in courses (classes) that you need to fulfill your graduation pathway. She will then select electives that she feels you may enjoy.

What do I do if I am currently failing a class? Do I schedule myself to take the course again next year?

ALL Airline teachers are participating in supplemental virtual learning opportunities. Along with this program, students can complete assignments that they previously had zeros on or very low grades. Teachers have been told they may accept these assignments (any assignment that was given prior to spring break). This way a student may bring up his/her grade to a passing grade. If the student chooses not to complete any of these opportunities, the grade the student has during the third nine weeks report card is the grade the counselors are using AT THIS TIME.