Bosqueville ISD School Code (CEEB): 447281

Bosqueville Secondary County-District-Campus Code: 161-923-001


Registration is simple & quick online:

For SAT registration, visit

For ACT registration, visit  


SAT/ACT Test Dates

SAT Test Dates

ACT Test Dates

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I send my scores?

You will receive four free score reports with your registration.  USE THESE FREE REPORTS, as scores sent at a later time require an additional fee.  Most colleges require SAT/ACT scores be reported directly from College Board or ACT Student Services.


How can I prepare for the SAT/ACT?

Two websites that offer free test prep online are and College Board has teamed up with Khan Academy to provide tutorial and remediation for the SAT exam. They also provide an SAT “Question of the Day” at

Do I need to take the SAT/ACT? 

All students planning to attend a four year college after high school should take the SAT, ACT, or both. In addition, high SAT and ACT scores can help secure scholarship funding for students planning to attend a junior or community college.


Should I take the ACT or the SAT?

The formatting of the tests is very different.  I suggest that students take both  the SAT and ACT, decide which format is more comfortable for them, and then retake the favored test.

 When should I take the SAT/ACT?

Scores are required to be admitted into a four-year university.  Many students take the test multiple times in order to improve their scores.  I advise students to take the test for the first time in the spring of their junior year.  



Tutorial Videos 


SAT (video tutorials for Math)


ACT (video tutorials for Math)