🏫Bulldog Bulletin🏫
Clara Barton School
Family Update
Hello Clara Barton Families,
We had a great week celebrating reading. Thanks for your support with our events and the PTO book fair!
Don't forget to set your clocks FORWARD one hour this weekend!
Have a wonderful week!
Heather Wawrzyniak
❗ Important Dates/ Reminders ❗
Next Week
March 11 2nd Grade Historic Society visit
Upcoming Events
March 20 PTO Meeting at CBS
March 21 School-Wide Morning Meeting
March 24 Career Day (9-11:00 AM)
March 25 Early Dismissal- Conferences 2-7 PM
March 26 Early Dismissal- CBS Blood Drive 2-7 PM
March 27 Early Dismissal- Conferences 2-7 PM
March 28 Early Dismissal- PTO Ticket Auction
2024-2025 School Year Calendar
ATTENDANCE MATTERS!!! Regular attendance is critical to academic success. Please review the linked resource or visit https://doe.sd.gov/title/documents/AttendanceMatters.pdf for a full presentation. According to the Department of Education, 10% absence at any point of the year is considered "excessive".
🐶 Eye on Learning 🐶
⭐ Made Me Smile Students of the Month⭐
2nd Grade
Mya Louissaint
Mya is a very capable and hardworking student. Mya performs well in all academic areas. She loves to read and often completes challenge problems correctly in math. Her work is always completed neatly. She works carefully, quietly, and is always willing to help classmates complete their assignments.
Mya has exceptional listening skills. She is always attentive during lessons. She is respectful, positive, and considerate during learning time. In addition, Mya is responsible in the classroom. I can alway count on Mya to be making good choices and to be treating others with kindness and concern.
Mya is a very polite student. She uses manners and is willing to wait her turn. She never complains and always has a smile on her face. Mya is a role model for all students at Clara Barton School!
Austin Monroe
Austin has shown many signs of growth this year in the classroom and as a friend. Austin always tries to do his best and works hard on his schoolwork. He is a great illustrator and adds beautiful colors to his drawings. Austin takes pride in staying focused and answering questions during conversations. I am so proud of Austin for his determination and success in being a kind friend, good listener, and hard worker. Keep up the good work Austin!
1st Grade
Avery Pone
Avery is a responsible and attentive student who consistently demonstrates a strong sense of leadership and care for those around her. She is always quick to offer help whenever she notices a peer in need, taking the initiative without hesitation. Avery works diligently, putting in her best effort to excel in her classwork and tasks. Her cooperative nature makes her a valuable classmate, as she easily collaborates with everyone she is paired with. Her helpful and hardworking attitude makes her a positive influence in the classroom and a dependable classmate.
3/26/25 CBS Blood Drive
The American Red Cross wants donors to know how much they care about them by expanding a health offerings to include free A1C testing (commonly used to screen for prediabetes and diabetes) for all who successfully give blood, platelets or plasma in March.
Donors can help save lives and empower their health! Donors can expect to receive the result of their A1C testing within one to two weeks through our Red Cross Blood Donor App or in their donor account at RedCrossBlood.org. RedCrossBlood.org/March.
Additionally, the Red Cross will be sending a $10 e-gift card, to the donor email address on file, for all doors in the month of March.
CLICK HERE to schedule an appointment
💙PTO News💙
⭐ Sparkling CBS Staff of the Month⭐
Jen Martino, Teacher
Jen Martino was born to teach. She puts her all into everyday, every lesson and every child. She uses a multi-sensory approach to learning, uses best practice behavioral support strategies and meets all learners where they are to move them along their individualized paths of learning. Her genuine love for her students is the first thing you will notice about her.
She is always the first to volunteer for any job that is student focused and she works hard for the entire Clara Barton School Community.
Keep shining Mrs. J. Martino!
🏆 Bordentown Community News 🏆
Charlotte's Web
The award-winning BRHS Theatre Club will be presenting the play Charlotte's Web by Joseph Robbinette on Friday April 11th at 6:30PM and Saturday, April 12th at 2:00PM in the Bordentown Performing Arts Center. Please note that the dates have changed from what was previously advertised.
This play, based on the classic children's book by E.B. White, explores bravery, selfless love and the true meaning of friendship. It is suggested for children ages six through ten. The Saturday 2PM performance will be followed by cookies and milk with the cast in the cafeteria. Tickets are $5 and can be purchased in advance at www.seatyourself.biz/brhs. Tickets will also be sold at the door. All profit goes toward the BRHS Theatre Club Scholarship Fund. For more information, call 609-496-1452.
Parents Night Out
The BRHS Theatre Club presents the 2025 Parents' Night Out on Friday, April 11th. From 6-9PM, children (ages 6-10) will enjoy a live performance of the play Charlotte's Web and snacks and games after the performance with the cast. The event is $20 per child, and advance registration is required. Register here:
Email smorano@bordentown.k12.nj.us for more information.