C++ Standardization


Open participation in the C++ standardization process


Robots building an electronic castle



The Boost Foundation is happy to announce participation opportunities in the ISO C++ Committee (WG21) via the Foundation. Recent changes in WG21 committee processes mean that beyond an initial meeting all participants must be registered in the ISO registry to participate. For some in the C++ community, the extra cost burden might be prohibitive to participation. Since the Boost Foundation is committed to fostering open participation in the standardization process we are offering Boost developers, and C++ developers in general, the option to be alternate representatives of the foundation — free of charge.

Representatives will have the ability to participate in virtual committee discussions as well as face-to-face meetings. Any travel expenses for face-to-face meetings will be the responsibility of the participant.

Jeff Garland has been appointed to organize the effort for the Boost Foundation and will make regular reports to the Boost Foundation Board of Directors.

Joining as a WG21 Alternate Representative of boost.org

Please contact Jeff at jeff@boost.org for details on joining. The process generally involves answering a few questions about your background and motivation to join. Alternates will need to join INCITS (for no cost) and agree to the committee code of conduct and patent policies. In addition, basic training and introduction into committee processes will be available to individuals that are new to the committee.

Code of Conduct

All Boost Foundation representatives will necessarily be bound by the INCITS and ISO code of conduct. In addition, the Boost Foundation expects all members to behave politely and considerately. Of specific note, posts on social media will be included in consideration of behavior. Discussion or disparagement of specific people, or violation of ISO confidentiality rules, could mean the standardization chair or code of conduct team would decide to retract a member's status as an alternate.