Weekly Update 3/18/22

In the zen zone!

Ms. Giammaria's third grade class celebrated SEL (Social Emotional Learning) Day on Friday, March 11th with some yoga, mindfulness, and movement. They learned all about "compassion" and practiced mindful listening, breathing techniques, and different yoga/movement poses!

Fifth Grade S.T.E.M. builds a bridge

Fifth grade students designed and built bridges to help leprechauns escape with their pot of gold! Students had to collaborate together to find the best solution and were limited to what supplies they could buy with their gold coins.

8th grade investigates mitigation plans

In 8th grade science, students are investigating different natural hazards such as wildfires, tsunamis, tornadoes and hurricanes. The students developed visual presentations that described mitigation plans for their chosen location and natural hazard. They then compared their mitigation plans to an existing mitigation plan to help determine if their location is prepared for a natural hazard.


A group of students in grades 6-8 have begun working on unique artworks to submit to the Annual Teen Arts Festival of Morris County! This program is part of the JHS Take Flight program. This year's theme is "Arts for Change," and each student is creating a unique artwork, in the medium of their choice, which represents their interpretation of this theme. Artworks that are chosen to be in the county wide exhibit will be shown virtually on a large screen in the lobby at Morris County Community College on Friday, May 13th. Stay tuned to see finished artworks as the submission date of April 29th approaches!

fifth grade jumps for the moon!

What's an astronaut's favorite day of the week? MOON-DAY! This week 5th graders learned about the shape of the Earth and different reasons that we know it's a sphere, although it looks flat to us from the ground. We pretended we were tiny ants crawling on these three surfaces and as the size of the ball increased, the curve seemed more flat. The Earth is so large, it can look flat but still be curved!

What is a math teacher's favorite dessert? Pi !

The fifth graders in Mr. Sabatino's class celebrated Pi Day on Monday, March 14th by rolling for Pi! Students had to roll dice and continue until they rolled the first ten digits of Pi!

workshop on the arts

A group of 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students attended the Workshop on the Arts hosted by the NJ Consortium for Gifted and Talented Programs at the Morris Museum this week.

Room 203 Presents....An Author Party!

To celebrate our published authors, we had an Author Party today during writing class! This celebration signifies the conclusion of our Information Writing unit, where students had a chance to read and share their stories with others. Our class has spent a significant amount of time researching our topics and writing everything we know in order to become expert writers!


important yearbook information

It is hard to believe that it is already time to order yearbooks! We are excited to announce that the John Hill Yearbooks for grades 6-8 are now on sale on the Lifetouch website. The yearbook staff is working very hard to ensure our students have memories that they can look back on from their school days. For more information, please CLICK HERE. If you would like to submit an ad for the yearbook and would like more information, please CLICK HERE. For our 8th graders, if parents would like to submit baby photos of their student and need more information, please CLICK HERE. We would also like to thank the PTA who generously purchases a yearbook for every 8th grade student. For any additional information, please reach out to Ms. Jones.

Thank you for your continued support of John Hill School!