What's Happening at

School Street School?


This week little biologists learned facts about bats and pumpkins. Monsters stories, along with some clever Halloween songs and poems were shared. During Writer's Workshop we practiced labeling our pictures. Sometimes, labeling just consists of a line drawn to represent the word. Other times, initial sounds and/or inventive spelling is employed.

The children had a great time yesterday parading around dressed as pirates, Spiderman, Elsa, farmers, fire fighters, unicorns and magical witches. Thanks to all the class parents who made our celebrations fun, tasty and memorable!

Have a wonderful weekend and be sure to practice sight words while you share some spooky tales of your own! As always, please contact the kindergarten team for additional tips on ways to better support and enrich our kindergarten curriculum. We look forward to meeting with you next week during conferences.

First Grade

A lot of exciting things are happening in Writer’s and Reader’s Workshop. Readers are using all they know to become “Word Detectives” to solve tricky words. Our writers will begin “How-To” books and teach each other about topics that they know best. In Math, we continue working on addition strategies and finding which strategy works best. We had a special visit this week from a local dentist who shared ways to keep our teeth healthy. Please continue to return Reading Logs every Monday.

Second Grade

This was an exciting week in so many ways for our second graders. We are finishing up our math units and beginning our addition unit. We have worked so hard on our small moment stories in class. We have completed our revising and publishing and have enjoyed sharing and listening to each other’s stories. We are looking forward to our next unit where we will become experts on a topic.

All the second graders enjoyed our Halloween Parade , a little rain didn’t stop us from the festivities. A great big thank you to our classroom parent helpers who took the time to plan our great parties.

Nurse's Notes

Dear Parent or Guardian:

Dental visit:

On Monday, Oct 28th, we had a dental visit from Dr.Ethan G from Zufall to school street school. He covered a variety of topics, including oral health and hygiene instruction, the importance of regular dental check-ups, healthy food choices, and the systemic connection between oral and general health.

Cold and flu season is upon us, and we have already had several students out of school with colds, the Flu, Strep throat, Stomach bug. To prevent widespread Flu/Strep throat in school, we recommend that your child stay home from school if experiencing flu or cold symptoms.

Please click on the link below for information from the CDC regarding the Influenza season.

CDC- Influenza


NOTE: Seasonal Flu vaccine is now available near you. All students under 59 months required to receive a flu vaccine by the state of NJ.


A Visit from Dr. Glickman

Music Update

A skill we have been exploring is using musical instruments to enhance stories and rhymes like The Five Little Pumpkins. We even dramatized the “rolled out of sight” part with our bodies, which was so much fun!

See The Five Little Pumpkins in action!