What's Happening at

School Street School?


As the end of the school year quickly approaches, Boonton Public Schools is working to collect all technology devices distributed to students for use during the 2020-2021 school year. Please pay close attention to the date, time and location for each return.

Families should prepare to return the following items to School Street School:


Chromebook charger

Chromebook case


These items should be returned to School Street School starting the week of June 14, 2021. In-person students may bring their devices to school Monday - Friday. Fully virtual students may drop off devices and accessories Thursday June 17, 2021 & Friday, June 18, 2021 from 12:30 - 2:30.

Note: Students who will be participating in Summer School will have access to separate devices during this learning period.

Thank you for caring for district-owned technology this school year, and for returning all checked out items during the collection period.


Kindergarteners in Mrs. Bulkeley's room used the SSS calming room and did writing in the “coffee shop”! "We are calling it Kindergarten Coffee Shop and it’s where we do our best writing."

This week super readers celebrated the gift of reading by considering their partner's interests before choosing a special book to share. They also reactivated ALL of their super powers to tackle trickier texts. Readers continue to ask, "Does this make sense?" If it doesn't they go back and reread. Naturally, there are other reasons to reread as well. Think about a favorite book from your childhood. There are probably books out there that your child has memorized just because they love them so much! That's the power of reading! It is the time of year that all SSS books are due back to school. Rest assured we still have access to Raz-Kids and the Boonton Holmes Library is now open---YAY!!! Why not "pop in" this weekend and acquire a library card for your soon-to-be first grader?

Although we've started our last Go Math chapter, all about sorting and classifying, it's still very important to review and practice all essential math skills. Remember that math is cyclical----the concepts your mathematician was introduced to in kindergarten will be further explored in the years to come. To ensure a solid foundation, over the summer months, PLEASE be sure to offer opportunities for: counting objects to 20 and beyond, decomposing up to ten, comparing numbers to determine greater/less than values, discussing attributes of flat and solid shapes, identifying higher numbers, counting to 100, adding and subtracting through ten and using appropriate math vocabulary!

Thank you for your continued support! Have a wonderful weekend!


We hope that everyone was able to enjoy some rest and relaxation over the past long and rainy weekend. Some of our first grade students were spotted at the Memorial Day celebration at Town Hall on Monday by one of our first grade teachers. What a nice surprise to see some of our friends at a town event!

This week our first grade scientists have been looking at animal parents and their young to see what characteristics they have in common and also what is very different about them. Our mathematicians have been working on reviewing some important first grade math skills to better prepare us for second grade. We have been working with place value, function tables and practicing our basic math facts...SO IMPORTANT! In Fundations, we are beginning our last unit. We are working on reviewing long vowel (v-e) syllables and the different suffixes that we have worked with this year (-s, -es, -ing, -ed). We are going to be so prepared for the Summer Reading Program that Mrs. Schessler is going to be running for us! Speaking of reading, our first grade readers have really been digging into a character study by learning as much as possible about the characters in our stories. We are even pretending to be those characters by acting out our stories and giving characters voices and feeling. Writers have been exploring the world of poetry. We have created some truly magnificent poems, too. Ask us to show you some of our work. It may even inspire you to write a poem of your own.

We hope that everyone has a safe, happy and healthy upcoming weekend. Please scour your homes for any supplies that need to be returned to school (library books, classroom books, math manipulatives, Fundations sacks with white boards and letter boards). You will receive further instructions from your child’s teacher regarding the collection of these materials, but it would be best to gather them up this weekend so they are ready to be returned.


The Second Graders are working hard, beginning to look more like Third Graders! In math this week, we focused on describing 2D shapes and splitting them into equal parts. We have also been reviewing all second grade math skills by completing several Seesaw activities. In Writer’s Workshop, we continued creating fractured fairy tales and are so excited to be publishing them soon! Each writer has a unique spin on the classic fairy tale Goldilocks and the Three Bears. In Reader’s Workshop, we are closing up our nonfiction unit and sharing our expert facts and thinking with one another. Lastly, we are wrapping up our investigative dinosaur unit. It has been so much fun to explore what life was like billions of years ago. We appreciate all of your continued support. Make sure to respond to the 2ND GRADE ICE CREAM CELEBRATION forms by Monday!



Mask Rules for SCHOOLS:

According to Gov Phil Murphy, New Jersey’s indoor mask mandate to fight the coronavirus pandemic mostly ends beginning Friday, but not for school students and that’s unlikely to change anytime before the start of the next academic year in the fall, Parents in the state can expect to send their children to school wearing masks in September because kids under 12 are still ineligible for a COVID-19 vaccine, Murphy said. Trials are ongoing for younger people, but he doesn’t expect them to be approved with enough time to make vaccines widely available for kids.

Guidance on Travel and Quarantine timeframes:

  • New Jersey strongly discourages all NON-Essential travel at this time.

  • Quarantine Time Frame: If Students traveling beyond the immediate region (New York, Pennsylvania, and Delaware) it is crucial to let the school principal/school nurse know to determine quarantine time.

  • Email at alison.schessler@boontonschools.org



An individual will be required to quarantine for 10 days following domestic travel and varies for international travel.

  • If parents have been fully vaccinated and their children have not, the children will still need to quarantine for 10 days following domestic travel.

  • If a family member has clinically recovered from COVID-19 in the past 3 months and the children have been healthy, the children will still need to quarantine for 10 days following domestic travel.


  • Individuals who clinically recovered from COVID-19 in the past 3 months and have had a positive PCR within 90 days do NOT need to quarantine following domestic travel.



If someone in your household is being tested for COVID-19 due to illness, students and staff, unless fully vaccinated and asymptomatic, should stay home until the test result is received.


The Boonton School District is holding registration for children of Boonton residents who will be entering kindergarten in September 2021. Your child is currently enrolled in the district’s preschool program; therefore, you do not need to register your child. However, you must complete the below requirements for your child:

IMMUNIZATION RECORD - N.J.S.S.C. Chapter 14 requires that immunizations must be complete and up-to-date, otherwise the student may be excluded from school. http://www.rps1.org/assets/vaccines.pdf**Please bring completed and signed immunization forms to MRS.CHAUHAN before JUNE 10th.

  • Health Screenings, (Vision, Hearing, Height, Weight and Blood Pressure), are done annually or every other year by the School Nurses.

  • Due to the Covid Pandemic all screenings were on hold until direction was given by the NJDOE.

  • NJDOE recently directed that screenings may be done for students attending school remotely, as well as in person, while adhering to Covid guidelines.

If your child is a ¨remote learner¨ presently and you wish to have your child participate in his or her grade-level health screening. Please reach out to MRS.CHAUHAN to arrange for an appointment before the first week of June during school hours. You can schedule via call/email or by filling out a FORM to schedule screening.

*An annual physical examination for your child with their primary care physician is strongly encouraged.This will assure your child's growth and development are assessed and their immunizations are up to date.

*ONLY REMOTE STUDENTS have to fill out the FORM or Email/Call to schedule screening.

School Nurse


973-335-9700 ext 1005