Interested in being a member? We welcome you! Please see below.

To Get started, make sure you are on our BAND app, our communication for all things Drama Club.

Members in good standing are eligible to:

Interested in becoming a Thespian or Letter in Theatre?

Thespians: the International Thespian Society is part of the Educational Theatre Association.  By joining Thespians and paying a ONE TIME $35 fee, you get the opportunity to attend conferences for a reduced rate, as well as: be eligible for scholarships, get cords at graduation, and help to spread the word about the importance of educational theatre in the community. 

After you pay your $35 and earn 10 Thespian points, your points can accumulate by you doing more theatre at Cooper High School. You will find the points in the pdf below. Points are retroactive, which means that if you join later, you may get points for the previous productions you have done at Cooper High School.  

If you are interested in joining, please fill out this form. You must fill it out using a BCS email address.

Lettering in Theatre: In order to letter in Theatre at Cooper High School, you must get 10 points in 2 different areas. For THIS school year only (2022-23), you may get Letters and bars for all the years at Cooper. The School year goes from June - May, so those who participated or were counselors in summer camp, that counts as well. If you are interested in receiving a letter and/or bars for theatre, please fill out this form. You MUST have at least 10 points in at least 2 different areas EACH YEAR in order to receive a letter/bar, and must fill out the form using your BCS email address:

Thespian Points - RCHS