Bonny Slope Art Literacy

Take a sneak-peek at next year's lessons on the Next Year tab.

Our May Art looks at Oceania

Come Make Art With Us

All lessons posted now:

Search for lessons by teacher name. If your child's class is full, consider helping another classroom. We are excited to have your support!

Cultural Sensitivity Warning:

This is a broad survey of SOME of the different kinds of art created by SOME of the diverse peoples who lived in the region. The cultures represented here are not monoliths and every effort should be made to highlight that, though the art in this region has similarities, the people who created it had varying beliefs and cultural structures: they were not all the same.

Consider - when we look at the art of another culture, does it mean the same thing to us as to the people who made it? Does that matter?

You may have students in the room that have direct connections to these cultures. Be respectful!

Oceania Lesson K-2.pdf

K - 2 Lesson Plan

Oceania PP K-2.pdf

K - 2 PowerPoint

Oceania Lesson 3-5.pdf

3 - 5 Lesson Plan

Oceania PP 3-5.pdf

3 - 5 PowerPoint

These lessons are the property of Beaverton School District and should not be reproduced without permission. Lesson plans posted here are for volunteers to use in preparation for lessons at Bonny Slope Elementary. All other use is strictly prohibited.

Our Art Project

Students will create a batik-style piece of art. 

Batik is a method (originally used in Java) of producing colored designs on textiles by dyeing them, having first applied wax to the parts to be left undyed. Students can create any original art work using patterns, symmetry, anything related to the ocean or islands, or anything that inspired them from the lesson.

Students will work in paper, crayon, and paint.

Instructions for the art project can be found here:

Oceania Prod - Crayon Batik.docx.pdf

We will offer students the opportunity to make any content they want in the batik-style. They do NOT need to try to create a pattern or image that might be considered cultural appropriation. They may draw inspiration from whatever source they choose.

Website Copy of May Art Lit 2024

Monthly Schedule

This schedule is for reference ONLY. 

Correct lesson times are posted in MyImpact. Lessons shown on this calendar CAN AND DO change throughout the month depending on teacher and volunteer needs. 

The following teachers need volunteers! Please consider helping the following rooms:


There will not be a June lesson. All teaching materials must be returned to the district.

There are lots of ways to volunteer!

Lesson Prep

Some of the projects require a bit of effort before and during to be successful. Your help is greatly appreciated cutting, sorting, organizing, stapling, etc so that our students can focus on the art.

Help is often needed before the volunteer training and again midway through the month to make sure there are enough supplies to go around.

Upcoming lessons that require assistance will have an entry in MyImpact under Art Literacy.

Lesson Presenter

Training Required

Some lessons need a little bit of refining. The presenter should attend the art lit training for information on the lesson, how to use the technology, and how the art project will work.

The lesson presenter will take what they have learned and share that information with students as a guest teacher.

Please RSVP by using MyImpact. This gives us a way to contact volunteers to follow up or provide information about changes to the training.

Lesson Helper

Nothing but the fun stuff! Lesson helpers will hand out art supplies, support student-artists who have questions or are working with more advanced tools, and help keep things in order.

Helpers do NOT need to attend training but will need to find an experienced Lesson Presenter to work with. 

What's Ahead...

Art in the Wild

Your world is filled with art! While on summer break, notice statues in parks, sidewalk chalk art in your neighborhood (or your own driveway!), the covers of the books that you read, or murals on the sides of buildings. There is art everywhere! We learned about several artists this year; do you recognize any of their work or their style of art?

All Trainings Completed

Check back in September 2024

Questions? Comments? Contact