Amara Smallwood

About Me

I've lived in Garden Valley since 1995 and both of my sons have graduated from Golden Sierra. I love this small community and feel that we are so fortunate to be surrounded by rivers and mountains and I try to spend as much time outdoors as I can.  I have always been fascinated by the natural world and became a science teacher so that I could share that love with my students. This year I'm excited about attending the Watershed Education Summit and hopefully the Forestry Challenge, those are my two favorite events of the year! I've been teaching at Golden Sierra for 8 years and teach everything from 7th and 8th grade science to AVID, Food Science and recently, AP Environmental Science. In my free time I enjoy riding my mustang mare, Rio, and spending time with my family. 

Contact me

You can email me at or call the school at 530-333-8330.