We know that moving from primary school to secondary school can make you feel a little bit nervous. We are here to help you along every step of the way.

Check out some commonly asked questions below. If you still have a question, please use the form at the end of the page.

What school activities will there be?

One of our core values is to be brave, which means sometimes means stepping outside of our comfort zone and trying new things!

We are busy planning lots of exciting activities for your weekly Being Bold sessions: in the past this has included circus skills, codebreaking, art club, learning Korean and a rugby club among many others. Keep checking back here for more details closer to September.

As well as Being Bold sessions, we also have plenty of opportunities for students to take up leadership roles around school, such as our fantastic team of Anti-Bullying Ambassadors.

What if I get lost?

  • You will spend most of the time with your new class so there will be little chance of getting lost.

  • There will always be an adult you can ask to help you find your way.

  • We will give you maps of your new school building.

What if no one likes me?

  • Bolder expects everyone to be kind. If you’re kind to people, they’ll be kind back!

  • People will make an effort to talk to you if you smile.

  • Ask people questions. If you show you’re interested in them, they will talk to you.

Will there be tons of homework?!

  • You won't receive any homework in the first week.

  • After that, there will be homework for each subject but your teachers will only set a manageable amount.

  • If you are organised, you will be fine. Your teachers will help you with organisation.

I've heard there's lots of bullying at secondary schools. Is this true?

  • Everyone at Bolder Academy takes bullying very seriously and will deal with any unkindness.

  • Staff are trained at how to spot and deal with bullying.

  • We have a student team of Anti-Bullying Ambassadors.

  • We have recently won the All Together Anti-Bullying GOLD Award (click here to see our certificate!) that demonstrates our commitment to stopping all forms of bullying.

  • You must report any bullying behaviour; never keep it to yourself.

What should I do with my mobile phone?

  • Ideally leave it at home!

  • If you must have it with you, leave it turned off and hidden in your bag.

Are the teachers strict?

  • Your teachers at Bolder are friendly and want the best for you.

  • This means they want you to be organised, on time, work hard and say when you need help or something is unclear.

  • As long as you show our three core Bolder values (Brave, Kind and Strong), you will have nothing to worry about!

What if the work is too hard?

  • It is always OK to raise your hand and ask for help.

  • Be strong, try your best. Teachers will want to see you have at least tried.

What if I do something wrong?

  • Your teachers will be patient over the first few weeks of school. They will remind you about important information.

  • It’s never bad to ask if something is unclear. Listen as well as you can and you will be fine.