Event Schedule

Day 1: Virtual Event

Friday, April 21, 2023

12:00 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Zoom Room Link will be posted on the Fourwaves website

You must register in Fourwaves to access the Zoom Room information.


12:00 p.m. in Main Zoom Room


Research Conversations

Research Conversations create an opportunity to hear about the research journey of undergraduate students

12:30 p.m. in Main Zoom Room


Live Poster Session

Through two virtual "walk-up" poster sessions, enjoy the opportunity to engage with student researchers to learn about their work

1 p.m. starting in Main Zoom Room & transitioning to Fourwaves platform


Closing Address

Join in conversation with Boise State Vice President for Research & Economic Development, Nancy Glenn, PhD

3:15 p.m. in Main Zoom Room

To access this virtual event on Day 1, you will need to register and log-in to the Fourwaves site

What to Expect at the Virtual Event

Tips for Presenters

Tips for Family, Friends, Faculty

Day 2: In-Person Celebration

Monday, April 24, 2023

4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Join us in-person at the Jordan Ballroom in Boise State's Student Union Building

Poster Reception

Enjoy light refreshments and engage with students invited to present at the live poster session


Lightning Talks

Thirteen Boise State students will share their research in brief (3-minute) presentations

Lightning Talk Speakers


OUR Mentor of the Year Awards

Celebrate the inaugural class of Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) Mentors of the Year. 

Each faculty awardee has been nominated by at least one student researcher. 

Selections were made by the Undergraduate Research Showcase Committee.


Poster Reception

Enjoy light refreshments, again, and continue to engage with students invited to present at the live poster session

Extra Credit
Has your instructor offered extra credit for attending the Undergraduate Research Showcase? 

If so, complete this Extra Credit Google Form by Monday, April 27th, or the deadline set by your instructor (whichever comes first).

We are here to help

Contact StudentResearch@BoiseState.edu with any questions