Poster Submission

Poster Submission

Are you a Boise State undergraduate student ready to share your research?

Present at the #URS2021 virtual poster session.

All Boise State undergraduate students are eligible to present their research as digital posters. Posters will be shared in an online format at the digital poster session. Check out last year's #URS2020 virtual posters here.

This year, the posters and abstracts will be hosted on the platform Symposium by ForagerOne.

Poster submissions for #URS2021 are closed.


Please be prepared with the following information and materials before completing your submission through ForagerOne.

1) Faculty approval:

ALL PROJECTS MUST HAVE A BOISE STATE FACULTY RESEARCH SUPERVISOR/MENTOR. You will be asked to confirm that your faculty research supervisor approves your project being posted to the ForagerOne website. We will also ask which portion(s) (poster, abstract, optional video) of your project your faculty research supervisor approves being published on ScholarWorks.

2) Project collaborators:

PROJECT COLLABORATORS INCLUDE UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS, GRADUATE STUDENTS, FACULTY, and anyone else who contributed to your poster. Please list them in this order on the submission form.

On the form, the “Main Project Collaborator” is the undergraduate student who is submitting the form and will be listed first. This student will also be the main point of contact for communications regarding the URS.

  • Click the “Add Presenter 2” button in the Additional Project Collaborators section to add the second collaborator. Click the “Add Presenter _” button to add each subsequent presenter.

  • You may list up to 8 collaborators per project on the submission form.

    • If you have more than 8 project collaborators, you will have an opportunity to indicate this, and we will collect information for those collaborators separately.

You will be asked to provide the following information for each collaborator:

  • Name

  • Email address

  • Academic level (freshman, graduate student, faculty, etc.)

  • Whether the collaborator was a research supervisor on the project

Additionally, you will be asked to indicate whether ANY collaborators on your project are an Honors College student or a McNair Scholar.

3) Presentation information:

You will be asked to provide the following information about your project. These fields will be displayed on the ForagerOne site with your poster; please proofread your entries carefully.

  • Title - Please use title case capitalization and italics, superscripts, and subscripts where appropriate (e.g., Latin terms). The form should be able to accommodate special characters copied and pasted from a Word or Google document.

  • Abstract - Abstracts are typically 200 words or fewer and should be approved by your faculty research supervisor prior to completing the submission form. You may type your abstract text directly into the form text field and use the formatting buttons as needed or copy and paste from a Word or Google document.

Resources for Writing an Abstract

4) Poster upload:

Upload a PDF of your poster no larger than 10MB in size.

  • If your PDF file exceeds this limit, you can compress the file to reduce its size. We recommend or another online tool to compress your file if necessary.

Resources for Poster Design

5) OPTIONAL video:

You may include a link to a short (maximum 5 minutes recommended) YouTube video of you and/or your undergraduate collaborators describing your research. The YouTube video should be set as UNLISTED and will appear on the same page as your poster.

Resources for OPTIONAL Video

Learn more about the interactive poster sessions on April 23 here.