Poster Session Format

Poster Presentations

Posters will be presented in two ways: (1) asynchronously via ForagerOne, and (2) synchronously during the interactive poster sessions on Friday, April 23.

Learn more about both formats below.


Posters will be shared virtual on the platform ForagerOne. #URS2021 attendees may asynchronously visit the ForagerOne site to view posters. If you upload a video, visitors may watch your video while viewing your poster.

- Note -

Only individuals with Boise State email accounts and registered guests will have access to ForagerOne

SYNCHRONOUS SEssions on APr. 23

In addition to asynchronous opportunities to explore posters, on Friday, April 23, #URS2021 will host two interactive poster sessions. Student poster presenters will be assigned to present their poster at either SESSION A (11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.), or SESSION B (1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m.).

We invite students to attend both SESSION A and SESSION B so that you have the opportunity to both present AND be an attendee listening to others and asking questions.

How will the interactive poster session work?

During interactive poster sessions, poster presenters and attendees will convene in Zoom. We will use breakout sessions. Breakout rooms will have 2-3 presenters, a facilitator, and some attendees. Each presenter will have 2-3 minutes to share their "elevator pitch" about their research. Then attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions.

How will these breakout rooms work?

Breakout Room - Round 1 (30 minutes)

The first round of breakout rooms during each poster session will have randomly assigned breakout rooms.

Note that we can not guarantee that each member of a team of presenters will be together in a room during Round 1.

Breakout Room - Round 2 (30 minutes)

The second round of breakout rooms in each poster session will allow attendees to self-select breakout rooms. Attendees will have access to a list of which posters are represented in which rooms. Each submitting student will be assigned to a room ahead of time (watch your email for your assignment!).

For Round 2, team members may self-select to attend the room where the submitting student has been assigned, allowing team members to trade off who does the elevator pitch presentation during Round 2.

Which breakout room should I go to in Round 2?

Poster presentations listed by breakout room are available for each interactive poster session are available here.

How to prepare for the interactive poster session?

Develop a 2-3 minute "elevator pitch" about your research to share with your breakout group audience. You are the expert of your research experience. This is your story. Share it.

Elevator Pitch Resources