Instructor-to-Student Communication Systems

Lead Author: Nash S. Johnson
Co-Author: Mark Estanislao
Editor / Contributor: Allen Corral

Infinite Campus

Infinite Campus is primarily a student information system (SIS) that is typically used at a school district level. It has a lot of capabilities included in the system for administrators, teachers, parents, & students. It is completely web-based and thus allows parents & students access to information at any time. It allows internet and mobile access. Here is a PDF file that demonstrates everything that can be done within this system: More than a Student Information System

MedHub & eValue

MedHub & eValue are management systems that is meant for healthcare educators & students in higher education. Particularly they are management systems for clinical education. MedHub is for medical education and eValue is for nursing and other health science programs.

These management systems help educators manage clinical education. For instance, educators can create and assign performance evaluations to the students and to their clinical preceptors. They also help with time logging, student clinical placements, clinical coursework, and communication with students & their clinical preceptors while on clinical rotations. They also provide curriculum mapping services.



