Student Resources

Main Office

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering has its office in the Charles P. Ruch Engineering Building, suite 240. This office serves as a major resource for all students. The administrative staff, academic programs manager, department manager, and department chair are all centrally located in this office.

IEEE Professional Society

The IEEE organization is the largest professional organization in the world and brings together students and professionals in the very diverse field of electrical and computer engineering. The organization has local meetings with industry professionals as well as a student organization. The IEEE provides seminars on a wide range of topics.

Navigating Your Degree

The Electrical and Computer Engineering Department with its faculty and support staff are here to guide you through your academic program and to ensure your success. To help you stay on your desired schedule for graduation, we encourage you to use the resources we have included for you here. See the Path to Graduation, a step-by-step guide, for your program of study.