
Image text: Snow research at Lower Deer Point

Outreach is fundamental to our group and its values. Ellyn has spent a large part of her career gathering materials to provide K-12 educators a way to connect their students to the importance of cryosphere research. 

"One of the most regarding parts of my job comes when I get to give presentations to secondary school students on how glaciers form and flow, where they are located, how they are influenced by climate change, and how changes can be analyzed using in situ and remotely-sensed observations. I find this part of my job to be particularly rewarding because I enjoy finding ways to relate scientific concepts to teenagers so they see that science can be fun and exciting."

See Ellyn's guest APECS blog post "inspiring Young Minds to Pursue STEM Careers" here. 

For resources specifically for K-12 students, check out Ellyn's personal website's outreach page.