Aman KC

Master's Student 

Aman received his Bachelor’s degree in Geomatics Engineering from Tribhuvan University, Nepal and is currently working towards his MS in Geoscience at Boise State. His broad research interest includes the development and modeling of the earth surfaces that are most vulnerable to climate change, the cryosphere being one of them. During his first visit to the Himalayas, he was extremely shocked to see them completely rocky and bare, even at the coldest times. This ignited his curiosity and inspired him to search for the answers to these phenomena, applying his passion for spatial data. For his research, Aman is working with Dr. Ellyn Enderlin for refining the estimates of solid ice fluxes to Greenland coastal regions by augmenting remotely-sensed ice flux estimates with detailed terminus change time series and seasonal ice flux time series. Prior to joining Boise state, he also worked as a Surveyor for the Government of Nepal and as an intern at the United Nations Environment Program. In his free time, Aman can be found playing basketball, traveling and exploring or listening to music.