REU Site: Cloud Computing Security and Privacy

5/20/2024 - 7/19/2024

Department of Computer Science

Boise State University

CCSP REU Site Overview 

This REU site will offer a nine-week summer research program at Boise State University for ten undergraduate students each year to gain research experience. Cloud computing is a relatively new internet computing paradigm, having been developed and popularized only in the last decade. With the widespread applications deployed in the internet, both the volume and types of cyber-attacks continue to increase and target every internet user. National infrastructure, individuals, businesses, and agencies have fallen victim to cyber-attacks. Developing a secure cloud computing environment requires computer science and cybersecurity professionals with interdisciplinary knowledge and skills of network security, system security, cryptography, risk analysis, ethics and human behaviors, security policies and laws, and many other security practices. 

In order to provide students a better research experience and scaffold their development as a researcher, in addition to the research training, weekly seminars, and professional talks in the field of cloud security and privacy, students will also have the chance to attend a variety of activities to enhance their research skills offered by the Boise State summer research community. These additional activities include: (1) seminars for discussing an array of topics, including responsible and ethical conduct of research, critical thinking, library research activity, poster presentation, and tips to presenting research to a public audience; and (2) a two-day Idaho Conference of Undergraduate Research (ICUR) that brings together undergraduate students of diverse disciplines to showcase their original work in poster presentations to public audience. At the end of the summer program, the faculty mentors will continue to work with students to publish their research results and advise them with graduate program applications or career planning as needed.

Student Eligibility

Site Program Feature

Questions you want to know or Materials to prepare 

before applying

REU Mentor

Dr. Jyh-haw Yeh (PI, Director)

Associate professor, Computer Science at Boise State. His primary area of research is in cybersecurity, with emphases on applied cryptography, privacy preserving computing, and AI/ML in cybersecurity.

Dr. Jerry Fails (Co-PI)

Professor , Computer Science at Boise State. His area of research is human-computer interaction, with a focus on technologies that engage children with one another and encourage them to explore the world around them. 

Dr. Yantian Hou

Assistant Professor, Computer Science at BSU. His research interest is in privacy control in Internet of Things, privacy preserving cloud computing, edge-assisted cloud computing 

Dr. Hao Chen

Associate Professor, ECE at BSU. His research areas are in signal processing and communications, including distributed statistical inference, statistical learning, robust signal processing under cybersecurity constraints.

Md. Mashrur Arifin

Computing PhD student, Boise State. His research interest is in AI/ML in cybersecurity. Currently he is working on Adversarial Machine Learning in Malware Classification.

Everest K.C.

CS Master student, Boise State. He is currently working in a project to design a secure and privacy preserving protocol for location-based service.