Blockchain REU (BREU) Site:
Embracing Blockchain for a Secure and Trustworthy Tomorrow

 May 28 - July 26, 2024  (In-Person) 

 Blockchain REU (BREU) Site :: Overview  

Blockchain technology is revolutionizing how information is encoded, secured, and distributed. It is a technology that can improve the safety and security of existing processes in society and enable the development of systems that could not previously exist. Potential applications of blockchain are far-reaching, including how financial institutions exchange currency, governments protect the integrity of electronic voting, and medical providers secure health information systems. In this in-person REU Site program, we will facilitate the growth of ten undergraduate students each year into researchers by providing them with the foundational knowledge and skills needed to navigate the design, development, and implementation of blockchain technologies for securing critical information systems. The undergraduate students' cohort will receive impactful and effective learning and research experiences focusing on blockchain theory and technology. They will be mentored in individual and collaborative learning and research environments to promote future study and career selection.

Publications from previous years can be accessed here.

Testimonials from previous years can be accessed here.

Blockchain REU (BREU) Site :: Features

Participants of the Blockchain REU Site will:

Blockchain REU (BREU) Site :: Mentors

Dr. Gaby Dagher (Director, PI)

Associate Professor, Computer Science, Boise State.
Research Interest:  cybersecurity, applied crypto, blockchain, data privacy.

Dr. Min Long (Co-PI)

Asso. professor, Computer Science, BSU.
Research Interest: application of computer/computational science to fundamental sciences.

Dr. Donald Winiecki

Professor, OWPL, Boise State University.
Research Interestmorality & ethics in professional practice.

Dr. Steve Cutchin

Asso. professor, Computer Science, BSU.
Research Interest: visualizations for understanding and explaining blockchain ecosystem and patterns.  

Dr. Tim Andersen

Professor, Computer Science, Boise State University.
Research Interest:  deep learning, artificial neural networks.

Dr. Jun Zhuang

Assistant Professor, Computer Science, Boise State University.
Research Interest: trustworthy and robust ML/AI systems and algorithms.

Participation Eligibility

To be eligible for the REU Site program in the summer of 2024, you must be:

<<< Students from underrepresented groups and/or schools with limited STEM research capacity are highly encouraged to apply >>>

Admission & How to Apply

Applications will be reviewed and assessed on a first-come, first-served basis until all fellowship positions are fulfilled. Due to the limited number of fellowships, you are encouraged to apply ASAP

To apply:  

Logistics Portal

If you've been admitted to the Blockchain REU, please click on the image (right) to obtain information helpful with the preliminary logistics of this program. 


If you have any questions, please contact:

Dr. Gaby Dagher, REU Site Director
Department of Computer Science
Boise State University 

Dr. Gaby Dagher
Site Director