Routines for Reasoning

These pages serve as a rough guide (and resources) for a Book Study facilitator. Please modify to better suit you and your participants.

Meeting #1: Key Elements & Strategies

READ: Chapters 1 & 2 (pp. 0 - 40) & Appendix A


  1. Introductions (15 min): Who's here and why? What do we hope to get from this book?
  2. Discussion about Chapter 1 (15 mins): [Choose one of the following prompts.]
    • Choose a phrase, sentence, or passage that you found meaningful or thought-provoking and tell why.
    • React to the Avenues of Thinking framework presented on page 3 of “lead actors” and “supporting actors” among the Mathematical Practices (MPs). How does this structure help you make sense of these standards?The framework is also here.
    • Each of us has a history with the Standards for Mathematical Practice in our teaching; tell us (briefly) about your experience so far with the MPs.
  3. Discussion about Chapter 2 (15 mins): [Choose one of the following prompts.]
    • One of the reasons to use instructional routines in math class is to “help students and teachers build crucial mathematical thinking habits” (page 19). Are there any thinking habits you already promote with your students or have tried to encourage?
    • The 7 Core Elements of Instructional Routines (page 28) incorporate an overarching Think-Pair-Share strategy that moves students through individual, partner, and full-group learning experiences. Discuss your teaching experience with different sized learning groups in your classroom (and please remind us of your grade level).
    • The 4 Essential Instructional Strategies (page 28) are 1. Ask-Yourself Questions; 2. Annotation; 3. Sentence Frames & Starters; 4. Repeat-Rephrase-Reword-Record. The fifth core element of the Instructional Routines is 5. Math Practice Reflection (page 25-26). Which of these 5 strategies feels most accessible for you to be able to do as a teacher? Which feels most challenging at this point?
  4. Closure / Wrap-up (15 mins):
    • What can we (individually or collectively) “try-on” from this reading?
    • Take a minute to silently reflect on the content and what you want to work on until our next meeting.

Meeting #2: Capturing Quantities

READ: Chapter 3 (pp. 41-72) & Chapter 7: Before You Start (p. 150)


  1. Circle Back to Prior Meeting (15 min): What has stuck with us with the last reading? What happened when we attempted to "try-on" ideas from the reading?
  2. Discussion (10 mins):
    • What are some things we noticed in the reading? What seemed most useful?
    • What questions did we have?
  3. Work through a Vignette (20 mins):
    • Unpack the "Capturing Quantities in Action" vignette (starting on p. 57). What's the story? What are the key moves the teacher and students make?
  4. Closure / Wrap-up (15 mins):
    • What can we (individually or collectively) “try-on” from this reading?
    • Take a minute to silently reflect on the content and what you want to work on until our next meeting.

Meeting #3: Connecting Representations

READ: Chapter 4 (pp. 73-98) & Chapter 7: Getting Started (p. 151-157)


  1. Circle Back to Prior Meeting (15 min): What has stuck with us with the last reading? What happened when we attempted to "try-on" ideas from the reading?
  2. Discussion (10 mins):
    • What are some things we noticed in the reading? What seemed most useful?
    • What questions did we have?
  3. Work through a Vignette (20 mins):
    • Unpack the "Connecting Representations in Action" vignette (starting on p. 87). What's the story? What are the key moves the teacher and students make?
  4. Closure / Wrap-up (15 mins):
    • What can we (individually or collectively) “try-on” from this reading?
    • Take a minute to silently reflect on the content and what you want to work on until our next meeting.

Meeting #4: Recognizing Repetition

READ: Chapter 5 (pp. 99-127) & Appendix E & Ch 7: Planning in Depth (p. 158-171)


  1. Circle Back to Prior Meeting (15 min): What has stuck with us with the last reading? What happened when we attempted to "try-on" ideas from the reading?
  2. Discussion (10 mins):
    • What are some things we noticed in the reading? What seemed most useful?
    • What questions did we have?
  3. Work through a Vignette (20 mins):
    • Unpack the "Recognizing Repetition in Action" vignette (starting on p. 112). What's the story? What are the key moves the teacher and students make?
  4. Closure / Wrap-up (15 mins):
    • What can we (individually or collectively) “try-on” from this reading?
    • Take a minute to silently reflect on the content and what you want to work on until our next meeting.

Meeting #5: Three Reads

READ: Chapter 6 (pp. 128-149) & Ch 7: Moving Beyond the Routine (p. 172-175)


  1. Circle Back to Prior Meeting (15 min): What has stuck with us with the last reading? What happened when we attempted to "try-on" ideas from the reading?
  2. Discussion (10 mins):
    • What are some things we noticed in the reading? What seemed most useful?
    • What questions did we have?
  3. Work through a Vignette (20 mins):
    • Unpack the "Three Reads in Action" vignette (starting on p. 139). What's the story? What are the key moves the teacher and students make?
  4. Closure / Wrap-up (15 mins):
    • What can we (individually or collectively) “try-on” from this reading?
    • Take a minute to silently reflect on the content and what you want to work on until our next meeting.

Meeting #6: Extensions

READ: [Additional Readings at Discretion of Facilitator] & Ch 7: Words of Encouragement (p. 176-178)


  1. Circle Back to Prior Meeting (15 min): What has stuck with us with the last reading? What happened when we attempted to "try-on" ideas from the reading?
  2. Discussion (10 mins):
    • What are some things we noticed in the reading? What seemed most useful?
    • What questions did we have?
  3. Discussion of other Routines and/or Readings (20 mins):
    • How might we address "Contemplate then Calculate" (MP7) and "Decide and Defend" (MP3) in our classrooms? What have we tried? What routines make the most sense for us?
  4. Closure / Wrap-up (15 mins):
    • What can we (individually or collectively) “try-on” from this reading?
    • Take a minute to silently reflect on the content and what you want to work on until our next meeting.