Project Management

Boise State University 

Bachelor's of Project Management &

Certificate in Project Management

Learn about predictive, agile, and hybrid processes.

Acquire expertise in project budgeting, scoping, and scheduling. 

Develop project management specialization such as business, cyber security, health, or media communications.

Foster expertise through hands-on learning.

Network with industry leaders through professional associations and mentoring programs. 

Schedule courses for your bachelor's or certificate

(click link and make a copy)

Build Project Management knowledge and skills

ProjMgt 300: Project Management Fundamentals 

ProjMgt 301: Project Management Documentation

ProjMgt 350: Project Management Specialization

ProjMgt 499: Project Management Capstone

(required for major; recommended for certificate)

Develop expertise through Experiential Learning

Project Management programs emphasize learning in the classroom and through practice. You gain as much practical experience as is useful for your degree. 

Below we outline three ways to incorporate experiential learning into your program.

ProjMgt 451: Project Management Practicum 

For students somewhat newer to Project Management. 

Suited for opportunities as a project coordinator or to shadow or assist a Project Manager.

Under certain circumstances, practicum may be a suitable or better experiential learning opportunity that internship.  The key is always what opportunity best advances your learning and career goals. 

If you are not certain about practicum versus internship, please complete this form and Todd Norton will reach out to see how he can best support you. 

ProjMgt 485: Project Mgt  Experiential Learning

(effective: Fall 2024) 

Entering the program with prior experience? We support you getting credit for that experience so you get to the classes you need. 

Contact your student success coach and the program director (Todd Norton) for help through the process. 

Sign up for the 1-credit IPS 301 class to assemble a portfolio to receive credit for prior for one or some of the following:   

-ProjMgt 300 (Fundamentals)

-ProjMgt 451 (Practicum), 

-ProjMgt 485 (equivalent to Internship)

ProjMgt 493: Project Management Internship

(required for major; recommended for certificate)

Both the certificate and Bachelor's of Project Management highlight the importance of internship to help transition to a career. 

The certificate require three credits of internship and the major requires 12 credits. This reflects the difference anticipated in student interests.
However, each student is unique and our intent is to support your career vision. Always feel free to reach out to your Career Coach and/or  Todd Norton for support:

Learn about experiential learning opportunities. 

Looking for experiential learning opportunities? Please write the program director - Todd Norton: 

Not sure if your opportunity qualifies as practicum or internship? Please complete this form and Todd Norton will reach out to see how he can best support you. 

Looking for a Project Management mentor? The Western Idaho Chapter of PMI calls for applications two times per year. I will send those announcements to the list of students in the program. 

PMI-WIC also offers regular professional development and networking opportunities. Joining the chapter is well worth the investment.