tutorials and tips


Schedule time with Venture College staff to ask questions, practice, and get feedback 

Lesson #1                                                                         History of Cybersecurity and Customer Discovery 

Basics of Cybersecurity

Customer Discovery

lesson #2                                                                       Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and Pitch Deck Format 

Minimal Viable Product

A prototype or the most minimal thing you can do to validate or verify that your solution improves the status quo; allows you to collect feedback and metrics on something real but very rough; tests your ideas and hypotheses before you build out business; speaker provides multiple examples

Pitch Deck Template

lesson #3                                                                Repurposing Existing Software to an Underserved Market 

Two Ways to Go After Competition

How to structure your pitch deck

Basic Pitch Deck Template - this is only a template to help you know what to cover, not a required format

Slides to Include


Best Practices - Solution Slides

Best Practices - Business Model Slides