prepare for the competition

Tips for success

Check-Ins + Slide Deck Template

Check-Ins with Venture College:

Schedule time with Venture College staff to ask questions, practice you pitch, and receive feedback.

Slide Deck Template:

Important Reminder:

Be sure to exchange contact information with your mentor on the first night, connect with them for feedback throughout this process, and practice your pitch with your mentors.

self-paced lessons


Lesson 1: Preparation for meeting with problem sponsors
Understand the problem before you choose a solution using the Value Proposition Canvas

Lesson 2:
Learn the basics of the Lean Startup method to quickly identify and test solutions.

Lesson 4:
Determine who your customer is and what market you will target to start. 

Lesson 5:
Create a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) to test your solution 

Note: If you are not able to create one in the time you have that is OK, describe what your MVP would be

Lesson 6:
Create your winning pitch 

How to structure your pitch deck

Basic Pitch Deck Template

Slides to Include