Valley VIew

Online Resources

Welcome back

Valley View School Orientation

Grades K-6

August 15th from 3:30-6:00 PM

Valley View Families! Please plan on attending our 6th Annual Valley View School Orientation

Orientation Schedule-

Kinder & SLC, Classroom Orientation (3:30 to 400) then onto the Gym Open House & Food Trucks

6th,5th,5/6 Combo, Classroom Orientations- 4:00-4:30 PM then onto the Gym Open House & Food Trucks

4th,3rd,3/4 Combo Classroom Orientations-4:30-5:00 PM then onto the Gym Open House & Food Trucks

2nd,1st & 1/2 Combo Classroom Orientations- 5:00-5:30 then onto the Gym Open House & Food Trucks

What details can you expect from this gathering/Back to School Event?

● Meet the teacher and classmates

● Logistics- where to drop off/pick up your child daily

● VV & Google Site- Learn what this is and how to access

● Drop off School Supplies instead of on the 1st Day

● Brief description of the daily and weekly schedule for your grade level

● Classroom DoJo- How to get connected

● Classroom and building volunteering opportunities-

In the Gym-Come Meet the Remaining Building Staff

● Meet the Front Office Staff

● PE- Dan Bacon, Library- Mrs. Gold, Vocal Music and Choir -Mrs. Medrano

● Special Ed (RR) - Mr. Lancaster & Mrs. Youngblood

● Playground-Mrs. Grissom & Mrs. Hackett

● Instrumental Music (Band & Orchestra) Ms. McCallum & Mr.Sprague

● Food Service- Sample Menu for Breakfast & Lunch- Mrs. Dosier

● Counselor- Mrs. Perry, Social Worker- Mrs. Juarez

● Health Service Office-Mr. Bordes & Mrs. Altree

● JFK- Mrs. Wisely

Block Party Outside in the Bus Loop- 4 to 7 PM. We have Food trucks coming-families can visit and eat outside or eat in the cafeteria. Food Trucks include Kona Ice, Rusty Dog, Churro Bros, DD Smoke and BBQ Trailer.

Valley View General Calendar

(For specific day to day schedules please refer to your classroom teacher)

Parent Resources for Virtual Learning

Teacher Site Pages


Kindergarten, First Grade and Second Grade

Brenda McKenzie

Full Day Kindergarten

Cammy Mahoney

Second Grade

Dawn Heller

Second Grade

Beth Ford

First Grade

Third and Fourth Grade

Jennifer Thiel

Third Grade

Shawn Carrico- Phillips

Third and Fourth Combo

Heidi Knebel

Fourth Grade

Fifth and Sixth Grade

Meko Myers

Fifth Grade

Shawna Wood

Fifth and Sixth Combo

Tom Clark

Sixth Grade


Jennica Salyards

First and Second GATE

Lauren White

Third and Fourth GATE

Rebecca Gris

Fifth and Sixth GATE

Special Education

Marianne Baker


Kinder, 1st, 2nd

Becca Caldwell


3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th

Tim Harker

Occupational Therapist

Merilee Kinkela

Speech and Language Pathologist

Julie Taylor

Speech and Language Pathologist

Specials Teachers

Dan Bacon


Laura Medrano

Music and Choir

Todd Sprague



Paula Perry


Pat Sullivan

Behavior Support Specialist

Alicia Juarez

Social Worker

Jacque Felt

School Psychologist

Recess Teachers/Body Guards

Leeann Grissom

Kathy Hackett

Contact us

Office : 208-854-6370

Heather Scott
