Critical Thinking 9

As a student, you are about five years away from joining what adults like to tell you is the "real world". You're going to need some "real world skills" then. This class will help you gain some important skills many adults never end up acquiring. You will be able to feel more confident with finances, reading between the lines and looking at old ideas in a new perspective.

Important Documents

Print or read any of the below documents.

Digital Classroom Necessities


When you open this slide, it should have all the linked documents you would need to have a successful first week in this course. Once you know where these items are located, it should be easy to turn them in, keep them for the duration of this course or access them daily, if needed.

Class Grading

When grading assignments, I grade objectively. I will grade student work that is turned in on the due date before late assignments. If turned in on time, formative assignments have about a one to three day turn around to get into Infinite Campus.

I will get to late formative assignments within five days of submitting the assignment, as I will be grading on time work from Critical Thinking first.

Summative late assessments like projects may take up to five to eight days to thoroughly go over since I will always grade on time work first. I am also providing constructive individual feedback to each of my online students, which takes time.

Weighted Grade Categories

Summative Tests & Projects: 50%

Discussion Boards & Class Discussions: 20%

Formative Daily Work: 30%

Discussion Rubric