Parent/Guardian information

The adolescent brain. This short video explains a bit about what is happening in the brains of your children at this age.

Syllabus and class information

syllabus, policy, procedure G7

Mindsets and learning math

There are many myths surrounding learning math, the most damaging and prevailing one to me is that there is a type of person who is predisposed to be good at math. This would be fine except that the flip side of that coin causes so many problems and that is people believe that they are predisposed to be BAD at math which has proven to be false over and over. Below are two links (5 minute clips) that show some of the brain research that debunks the myth that we are born to be either good or bad at mathematics. I show these to my students in the hopes that at this very important stage of their math career, they understand that belief can make a huge difference in their learning.

How to Learn Math

The Brain Science

Here is a YouTube clip of Jo Boaler discussing similar themes of learning in general and math in particular