Who is an AVID student at BHS?

If you or your student has between a 2.5 and 4.0 GPA, they are determined and motivated to do their personal best in school, and they would like the support of a coach and a team, AVID may be the place you are looking for!

Contact the school counselor or Anna Daley at anna.daley@boiseschools.org

Boise High AVID students are students who are looking to maximize their unique potential. We don't look for cookie cutter candidates. Some BHS AVID students will be the first in their family to attend college; others have both parents with advanced degrees. Some students come to us with C's; other AVID students apply with A's and B's. Sometimes an AVID student needs help to start feeling successful in school; other times, our AVID students are already successful, but they want more time and less stress as they accomplish their goals. Sometimes an AVID student has no leadership or community service experience; other times, our AVID students are National Honors Society members who complete 50 hours of service and leadership each year. Every AVID student is unique, but the one thing they have in common is this: they are bound and determined to maximize their individual potential here at Boise High on their path to college.

Boise High AVID students are not: struggling in school, lower-end academic students, or only first generation college students. There are wonderful supports at Boise High for kids who struggle in school. AVID is for students who are smart and capable, and who want a period throughout the day when they can "pull it all together" with less stress and more time.