Bogota Middle School Dance Company

About Us

Established in 2021, the Dance Company at Bogota Middle School combines students from the Dance Theory 7 course and the school's Dance Club. The Company serves as a performative learning experience for all students who decide to participate in it. During their time in the company, students learn about various dance techniques as well as performance skills, choreographic skills, mind-body connectivity, healthy movement practices, social-emotional skills, interpersonal skills, as well as intrapersonal skills.

The company performs in various occasions throughout the year for both their peers and community members. If you wish to view a performance, navigate our calendar to find the next scheduled performance to which you may attend.


Join our 2022-2023 company!

The BMS Dance Club is recruiting members for the new school year! On Wednesday, September 21st, we will be holding a trail class for students to experience what a dance club session is like before committing themselves to the company. Attending the trial class does not compel any student to sign up to commit to the full year. After the trial class, each student may decide if they wish to continue for the full year or not.

The trial class will take place after school in the school gymnasium from 3:00 - 3:50 PM. Students will be self-dismissed after the class concludes.

Students must bring the following to the class:

  • A pre-class snack

  • Water

  • Movement clothes

  • A hair tie

Bogota Middle School Spring Concert

Join us as our Band, Choir, and Dance students perform different works they have been working on during the school year. All are invited!