Want to apply? Start here!

STEP 1: Review, download, or bookmark the following documents/links. These documents provide further information about student requirements, financial aid, and next steps:

Adult Day Time HVAC Program Information

Adult Technical Study Guide for Test of Adult Base Education (TABE)

2022-2023 Cost Information by Program

TABE Registration (The TABE is required to complete the application)

Preview of Application (pdf version)

STEP 2a: Complete this required form to apply for our Adult Technical Programs

MTEC Adult Technical Application (Digital Application)

STEP 2b: If you are in need of Financial Aid, complete this optional application for the WV Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (a form of financial aid for WV residents)

Region VI Application (Digital Application)

STEP 3: If you have not been contacted within a week of application, or if you need assistance with completing the application process, please contact us:

Karen Baily-Martinez

Financial Aid/ Counselor


304-291-9240, ext. 223