Online Resources

West Virginians can explore articles and images from popular magazines, current newspapers, encyclopedias, scholarly journals, and other reference works through the databases. 

Please contact Mrs. Phillips for the required usernames and passwords.

Please contact Mrs. Phillips for the required usernames and passwords.

The following databases are available from the WV Library Commission at WVINFODEPOT. Funding for this site is provided by the WV Legislature and Federal monies.

To access the databases above, select the link below (WVINFODEPOT.ORG) and contact Mrs. Phillips for the required usernames and passwords.

Tools for Projects and Studying

Celebrate your freedom to read!

The last week of September is Banned Books Week. For a complete list of banned children's books, visit the ALA website. Many of the books on their list can be found at our library. 

The Newbery Medal

Each January, the American Library Association gives the Newbery Medal to one excellent book written for children up to age 14. For a complete list of the winners, visit the ALA website. Almost all of these books are in our library!