Chair Yoga with Alyse

Tuesdays 11:00am-Noon

Single Class: $10 | 10-Class Package $100

Our Body & Brain Chair Yoga class is designed especially for those who need to move their body but prefer the comfort of home.  Alyse will guide you to open your joints, stretch your body, and warm your core. Each movement is expertly guided for participants’ maximum benefit as per your condition.

Class includes stretching, joint opening, breathing exercise, and energy meditation. You will feel refreshed and joyful! This interactive class is live-streamed through Zoom.

Upon registration, we will send you the detailed Zoom information. Call us at 201-444-6020.

Live: Tuesdays 11:00am-Noon

Benefits of Chair Yoga can include

For questions or more information, call us at 201-444-6020