Jaehyun Nam, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Computer Engineering
Dankook University, Republic of Korea
Office: Room 517, Engineering Building 2
Address: 152 Jukjeon-ro, Suji-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16890, Republic of Korea
Phone: +82-31-8005-3663
Research Interests:
Cloud computing, 5G networking, Docker/Kubernetes, networked systems security
Short Biography
Jaehyun Nam is an assistant professor in Department of Computer Engineering, College of SW Convergence, Dankook University. He is also maintaining a CNCF sandbox project, KubeArmor. He received his Ph.D. in School of Computing (advisor, Professor Seungwon Shin) from KAIST. He previously received his B.S. in Computer Science and Engineering from Sogang University and his M.S. in Graduate School of Information Security (advisor, Professor KyoungSoo Park) from KAIST. Before joining Dankook University, he was a principal scientist at AccuKnox and designed various security solutions for today’s cloud and edge computing systems.
Ph.D. in School of Computing (Information Security), KAIST, Daejeon, Korea
Thesis: Architectural Approaches to Enhancing the Performance and Security of Cloud Networks
Advisor: Seungwon shin
M.S. in Graduate School of Information Security, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea
Thesis: Scaling the Performance of Intrusion Detection System on Many-Core Processors
Advisor: Kyoungsoo Park
B.S. in Computer Science and Engineering, Sogang University, Seoul, Korea
Principal Scientist, AccuKnox (Jul 2020 ~ Aug 2022)
Lead of a CNCF project, KubeArmor, for cloud-native runtime security enforcement
Research on system and network security for cloud computing systems
Post-doctoral Researcher, KAIST (Mar 2020 ~ Jun 2020)
Research on container network security using XDP/eBPF
Supervisor: Seungwon shin
Research Observer, SRI International (May 2019 ~ Aug 2019)
Design and implementation of a security-enforcement network stack for containers
Supervisor: Phillip Porras
International Fellow, SRI International (Sept 2018 ~ Nov 2018)
Design and implementation of a security-enforcement network stack for containers
Supervisor: Phillip Porras
Research Observer, SRI International (Dec 2017 ~ Mar 2018)
Security analysis of prevalent container systems
Supervisor: Phillip Porras
International Fellow, SRI International (Jun 2016 ~ Aug 2016)
Construction of international SDN testbed for security evaluation
Supervisor: Phillip Porras
Research Observer, SRI International (Dec 2015 ~ Feb 2016)
Design and Implementation of a composable SDN operating system for multiple purposes
Supervisor: Phillip Porras