Welcome to my Academic Profile official website. My name is Nadheer Mahmoud Ameen . I am a lecturer in college of Law and International Relations Bayan University in Kurdistan Region of Iraq.I have bachelor degree in English language Baghdad university and master degree in political science / international relations Almustansiriya university .
Please Reach me via:
e-mail: nadheer.mahmoud@bnu.edu.iq
Mobile: (+964) 750 77 30 482
YAP: http://sites.bnu.edu.iq/xxxx_xxxxx
University Website bnu.edu.iq
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I teach various topics at my college, i.e.
1.Studied English language for political science .
An introduction to political science .
Political systems and parties .
International organizations
Foreign policy .
2. Studied English language for law department .
Introduction to the study of law .
Constitutional and administrative law.
International law and Human rights .
3. Studied English language for international relations department .
Diplomatic concepts .
Diplomatic international treaties .
Charter of united Nations .
Research Interests
political science , international relations
international media
Positions held at the University:
1. Lecturer in international relations
2. Supervising student's researches .