On-Trip Information

Pre-Departure Information

A few quick reminders

Packing Information

Recommended things to pack:

Things to bring but...with conditions

Things to leave at home:

Medication Declaration Form

Required with any prescription or OTC medications the student is bringing, even emergency medications.

Medication Declaration Form CA24

Chaperone Check Ins

Make contact with your chaperone! See itinerary for exact times. How you check in with your chaperone is up to your chaperone. Arrange with them how you will check in. The only time you absolutely must be seen in person is noted as *In Person*

Any of the following are acceptable:

A text message is not an acceptable form of checking in.

When Under-Bus-Storage can be accessed

You will only be able to access the under bus storage the following times during the trip. Even if we are stopped, you are not allowed to access anything stored under the bus outside of these times.

In Case of Emergency

If you are unable to reach your chaperone and have an emergency, ‪you can reach Mr. Buehnerkemper (Mr. B) at (480) 648-9602‬.

Click to download contact info