
Below are some National Scholarship Databases. Consider signing up for an account for one or more of these services. REMEMBER: NEVER PAY TO APPLY FOR A SCHOLARSHIP!

Junior/Senior Info 9/11/2019

Information shared with Juniors and Seniors on 9/11/2019

College Visits

See below for upcoming college visits. All college visits will be heald virtually until further notice. Students will need to sign up in order to attend. At a college visit students get the opportunity to learn what programs the institution offers, financial aid options, admissions requirements, and much more. I recommend seniors attend as many as possible and parents are always welcome! Check back often as I will add to the list often.

College Applications

I am available throughout the day and before/after school by appointment to assist with the application process. Please let me know if I can be of any help.

Recorded 2019-2020 College Visits

See below for links to recorded college visits!