
Registration will open for Winter/Spring 2025 on November 11, 2024.

Enrichments are a vital and exciting part of the IA. Students are exposed to new experiences in a positive and supportive environment. Participants are encouraged to use this program as an opportunity to develop personal interests, try new experiences and challenge themselves outside their normal range of interests. 

The enrichment program offers a variety of educational experiences in the arts, STEM, life skills, physical activity as well as opportunities for domestic and international travel. Each enrichment course is approximately twenty hours long and is taught by a qualified instructor. 

Enrichments are a graduation requirement of the International Academy.  Students who attend the IA for four years must complete four Enrichments including one career mentorship. Requirements for transfer students are reduced in proportion to the time they spend at the IA. 

Freshman transferring to the school in January must complete three (3), new sophomores must complete two (2), new juniors and seniors must complete a Career Mentorship. Every student must complete one Career Mentorship. 

Recommended Schedule

Freshman Year - Two (2) enrichments
Sophomore Year - 1 (1) enrichment
Junior/Senior Year - Career Mentorship


Online Registration & Account Information 

To register for an enrichment program, please visit our online registration system. Here, you will find complete and detailed information about all of  our offerings, including course descriptions, class fees, locations, instructors, and more. We accept MasterCard, Visa, checks and cash. For new students, an account can be created here. If your student took a summer class or has a sibling, please do not create a new account. Please contact the enrichment office for login credentials.  Please create the account with the parent as the user. If you forget your password, please click on “Need Help Logging in” on the home page, then “Forgot your Password?”. If you forget your username, please contact the  Enrichment Office and we will be happy to look it up for you.

 Independent Enrichments 

Current students who participate in activities planned by outside organizations that also meet the requirements  of an enrichment program can receive credit as an Independent Enrichment. These programs must be approved prior to the start of the activity by the Enrichment Coordinator. Only one enrichment can be independent. 

Career Mentorships 

Students may fulfill their mentorship requirement by either taking a career mentorship through the enrichment office or completing an Independent Career Mentorship. Mentorship programs are described in detail on our registration system. 

Schedule an appointment with Mrs. Belotti

Mrs. Belotti

IB Service Learning/Enrichment Coordinator



1020 E Square Lake Road

Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304