Welcome to First Grade!

Dear Friends,

Welcome to a fun-filled first grade experience. We are looking forward to working with you and your child in the coming months.

Here is a list of things that your child will need for first grade. Supplies should not exceed $20. They should be sent on the first day of school in a large shopping/grocery bag. Thank you in advance for your help in preparing your child for first grade.

_____ 2 packs of sharpened number 2 pencils

_____ 1 old sock or piece of cloth

_____ 1 sturdy pencil case with a zipper (No pencil boxes please)

_____ 1 two pocket folder with pockets on the bottom.

_____ 2 boxes of tissues

_____ 2 boxes of baby wipes

_____ 2 containers of disinfectant wipes without bleach

_____ 1 inch hard covered 3 ring binder with pockets

_____ 1 marble notebook

We would appreciate it if you remember to keep these items at home: markers, large boxes of crayons, art kits, rulers, paints, tape, staplers, and glitter. Additionally, please help your child remember that all toys are not permitted.

Thank you in advance for all of your attention to the above matters. With your help, first grade will be an enjoyable learning experience for your student. We are looking forward to working with you and your child in the fall!


First Grade Teachers