Geophysical Science

Course Description

Geophysical Science is a full year course offered to 9th grade students at Bloomfield High School. The structure of this course encourages active engagement with scientific and engineering practices and the application of crosscutting concepts to deepen student understanding of core ideas. The learning experiences provided for students will engage them in fundamental questions about the world as well as the process through which scientists have investigated and found answers to these questions. Students will have the opportunity to carry out scientific investigations and engineering design projects related to the disciplinary core ideas in earth and space sciences, physical science and chemistry.

Unit 1: Structure and Properties of Matter.

Unit 2: Chemical Reactions

Unit 3: Forces and Motion

Unit 4: Space Systems

Unit 5: History of Earth

Grading Scale and Criteria

Your final marking period grade will be based on the total points earned from each of the following:

· Assessments (Tests, quizzes, projects) -60% - Summative

· Classwork (Do now, lab, participation)- 25% - Inquiry Based

· Homework- 15%

Chrome Books

  1. Fully Charged

  2. Earbuds with you at all times

  3. Case decorations must be school appropriate

  4. While in class: Chromebooks cannot be used for social media, games, or any other sites not pertaining to the lesson.

  5. 0, 45, 90 rule

  6. No charging in the classroom

  7. No charging cell phones with chromebooks

  8. No using the webcams unless permission has been given