


Mr. Duzgun

973-680-8600 x4274

Course Description:

Geometry is the study of the shape, size, and position of objects. Planar geometry focuses on 2D objects such as points, lines, triangles, quadrilaterals, polygons, and circles. Solid geometry includes the study of 3D objects such as prisms, pyramids, polyhedrons, cylinders, spheres and cones.

The name geometry comes from two Greek words meaning earth and to measure. The earliest uses of geometry included measuring lengths and areas of land. Most scholars believe that the ancient Egyptians and Babylonians were the first people to use geometry extensively.

Artists, engineers, cartographers, and designers use geometry in their work. You will use geometry anytime you decide to design or build something. You cannot build a box, a fence, a fighter jet or a paper crane without using geometry. Geometry is used to design and build things.

Required Materials:

a. Notebook/3-ring Binder

b. Pencil

c. Folder (I give lots of handouts)

Grading Criteria

Your final marking period grade will be based on the following:

· Assessment (Tests/Quizzes) – 60%

· Class participation/Classwork – 15%

·Homework – 25%

Homework: 25%; On average is given 2-3 times a week. Which is about 20-30 a marking period so roughly each homework is 1 point for your marking period average!

Participation: 15%; Students are expected to be in class every day, on time and prepared with all necessary notes, assignments, textbooks, writing tools, calculator, etc. Students will earn points each semester based on required materials, attendance, tardiness, paying attention, asking, and answering questions, and being actively involved in all classroom activities

Quizzes/Tests: 60% (You may make up any quiz/test on a Wednesday After school)

Quizzes: Quizzes will be frequently and may or may not be announced. If you have an excused absence, your chapter test score will replace any missed quizzes. If there is no chapter test for a quiz, then a make-up quiz will be given.

Tests: A test will be given at the end of each chapter. All tests will be announced.


Assignments will include the “do now”, class work, journal writing, and homework. It is expected that unfinished class work will be completed for homework. Homework will be checked at the beginning of the period.

Incomplete or Missed Assignments

The only way to receive full credit for an assignment is to hand it in on the date it is due. Any missed work due to an absence will be handled according to the procedures stated below.

Make-up Work

If you miss class for any reason it is your responsibility to obtain the notes from a classmate. Upon your return to class make sure to check with me to obtain your missed assignments and any handouts that might have been distributed. Due dates for assignments will be discussed at that time

Classroom Rules:

Students are expected to be respectful and courteous to all. After one warning, you will lose participation points and may be given a referral, or a conference will occur with your parent/guardian. Your behavior in class is reflected in your participation grade!!!

Classroom Behavior

1. Follow directions the first time given.

2. Be in the class when the bell rings and prepared with a notebook, pencil, and calculator.

3. Raise your hand and only speak when you are recognized.

4. Use of cell phones and iPods will not be allowed in the classroom.

5. Inappropriate language and teasing will not be tolerated.


Arrive on time!!! Each student is expected to be on time and is his or her seat when the bell rings. You will lose points for each tardy.

Electronic Devices

iPods, iTouches, cell phones, games, etc: All cell phones and any other electronic devices are to closed in your backpack upon entering the classroom. If not followed, the items will be confiscated and a referral may be written as per school policy.


… any way, shape, or form is NOT tolerated!!!! Giving or receiving information on homework, tests, or quizzes will result in zero points for the assignment/assessment. In addition, instances of cheating will be documented as part of your permanent record, according to school policy.

Extra Help

I am available most days after school by appointment and every Wednesday I will be in classroom B254 for our activity period. If you need more accommodations and/or extra materials, feel free to talk to me on your own time.

Extra Credit: I do give extra credit assignments once and awhile but are not to be expected to save your grade.

My expectations are for you to come to class on time each day with the drive to do your best. I understand that not each person is in love with mathematics but your willingness and effort to try is what I look for most of all.

Your first homework assignment is to sign this and have your parent or guardian sign this so that I know that all parties understand what is expected.

Student Signature:_________________________________
