Student Dress Code
A. General Rules
- Pupils are to be well groomed in their appearance
- Pupils are expected to avoid extremes in appearance that are so disruptive or distracting that the reaction of other pupils is beyond normal control
- Dress or grooming that jeopardizes the health or safety of the pupil or of other pupils or is injurious to school property will not be tolerated.
- Pupil’s clothing that has been torn, cut, or ripped in a way that exposes skin or displays the anatomy is not allowed.
- Safe footwear is required. Sneakers and shoes must be laced and fastened securely at all times.
- Hair can be worn as desired providing it does not create any problems to the health, safety of the individual or others or cause classroom disturbances.
- Pupils who publicly represent the school or a school organization at an activity away from this district are required to dress in full accordance with the reasonable expectations of the staff member in charge of the activity. Pupils unwilling to comply with this requirement will be disqualified from participation.
- Issued district ID’s are to be worn and visible at all time during the school day.
B. Attire Acceptable for Students
1. Shirts
a. Casual shirts, turtleneck and dress shirts (long or short sleeved).
b. Shirts must be loosely fitted and midriffs must be covered.
c. Dress shirts must be buttoned above chest line, unless worn over another shirt.
2. Sweaters and Sweatshirts
a. Crew-necked, v-necked or cardigans
b. All shirts, sweaters and sweatshirts must be no longer than fingertip length.
3. Pants and Skirts
a. Casual style pants, dress pants, or jeans which conform to guidelines listed in these regulations.
b. Shorts must be no shorter than mid-thigh.
c. Skirts must be no shorter than mid-thigh (no slits).
d. Capri pants
e. Width of pant cuffs must be within the heel to toe of student’s footwear.
f. Pants must be worn at the waist.
4. Footwear
a. Shoes with rubber or hard soles and sneakers
b. Sandals
5. All Board of Education approved athletic uniforms-only on days designated by the Building Principal.
C. Attire Not Acceptable for Students
- Shirts
a. Tank tops, thin strapped tops, tube tops, mesh, fishnet styles, spandex-type materials or clothing which exposes the back, chest, shoulders or midriff, low cut shirts.
b. Material cannot be sheer or see-through.
2. Outerwear
a. Jackets, coats, windbreakers, warm-up jackets, hats, bandanas, gloves, headbands, sweatbands, head coverings which are not worn for bonafide religious, hygienic or medical reasons and any type of outer garment may not be worn in the classrooms, hallways, or the cafeteria during the school day.
b. Material cannot be sheer or see-through.
3. Pants and Skirts
a. Material cannot be sheer, see-through, tight fitting, or spandex type material.
b. Chain link or metal belts.
c. Pajama pants
4. Footwear
a. Flip-flops
b. Shower shoes
c. Bedroom slippers
d. Cleated shoes
D. The following garments and articles are also prohibited in school and at school sponsored events:
- Wearing of sunglasses in the building; (unless prescribed by doctor with documentation on file with school nurse);
- Wearing of tight clothing which restricts movement;
- Garments with obscene, profane, offensive, or otherwise inappropriate comments; patches or pictures;
- Clothing, accessories, or jewelry or wearing such apparel, accessory, or jewelry in a manner which indicates that the pupil has membership in or affiliation with any gang associated with criminal activities;
- No article of clothing, item affixed to an article of clothing, jewelry, or accessory of any kind may be worn that references, expressly or by implication, alcohol, drugs or sex; or
- Chains, pins, razor blades, chokers or spike jewelry, chain belts, sharp jewelry, metal studs, spikes, dog chains, multi-fingered and oversized rings pose a danger to self and others, cause excessive wear and tear on school property, disrupt the educational process and are not allowed.
E. Enforcement
- Teaching staff members will report violations of the dress code to the Building principal, who will interpret and apply the consequence as indicated in the district Code of Conduct. Each student is expected to accept the responsibilities and consequences of his/her inappropriate actions. Discipline should be developmentally appropriate. It should be fair and respect the self-esteem of the student. Behavior that is disruptive and/or inappropriate for the well-being of an individual or a group in a school requires disciplinary measures to help foster the development of self-discipline on the part of the student.
- The Principal may waive application of the dress code on a day especially scheduled for pupils’ free expression in dress and grooming.
- A pupil whose dress or grooming has been found by the Principal to violate this regulation may appeal the Principal’s determination to the Superintendent, whose decision will be final.
- Consequences
As previously addressed, inappropriate and/or disruptive behavior will result in one or more of the following consequences: verbal warning, parent/teacher conference and/or detention, conference with the building administrator or designee, exclusion from extracurricular activities, in school suspension; out of school suspension, referral to outside agencies or expulsion.
The Board of Education recognizes that the disciplinary progression at the elementary level will be adjusted in accordance with the age appropriate procedures. The building administration reserves the right to make determinations within the approved code. Students who transfer to public schools will be informed of the standard of dress and will receive up to five days to comply.
Finally, it is not the intention of the Bloomfield Board of Education to infringe upon the rights of any individual, but rather to provide a safe environment for all students to receive the education they so rightfully deserve.