College Writing


This is the syllabus we'll use for our ENGL110 course. Please click through the different pages to find information regarding your needed materials, course content, and course policies. I'm excited to start working with you!

Delivery Information

Meeting Days: T/H

Meeting Time: 10:30 AM - 11:45 AM

Meeting Location: Honsey Hall 213

A Brief Letter from Your Professor

Hello, Students:

I recognize all of you are coming into this class with preconceived ideas about writing. For some of you, you may feel confident in your writing abilities and wonder why you need to take this course. For perhaps the majority of you, you may believe you just don't have what it takes to be a "good writer." It's my job to meet you wherever you are at.

I'm here to tell you that in this class we will shake up those preconceived notions about writing. You will quickly learn that there is no such thing as someone who is just born a "good writer," but rather a good writer is someone who doesn't give up on their writing goals and is constantly working to hone your abilities. You will learn that all writing takes practice, similar to almost every other task in life. The goal of this class is help you build your writing tool kit and by the end feel prepared for taking on future college writing tasks.

The reality is, you will always have to write something for something or someone. Even if your chosen field is not directly related to writing, you will have to compose emails, memos, presentations, and that's just the beginning. Writing skills are important. Making a commitment to develop your writing skills is an investment in your future self.

So, I invite you to start thinking about writing differently. Let's start with a clean slate and try new techniques and methods to accomplish our writing goals.

Let the fun begin!

My best,

Professor Reed