Blairstown Tiered System of Supports


Click on the questions below to learn more about the Blairstown Tiered System of Supports and Response to Intervention.

What is Response to Intervention (RtI)?

A three-tiered model of instruction and intervention that includes:

How does my child qualify for RtI?

All students are screened. Universal screening tools consist of brief assessments focused on target skills

such as:

 What does it mean if my child is receiving interventions?

Through one or more universal screening tools the RtI team identified areas in which your child is need of support. Interventions and supports may be as simple as providing extra resources to the classroom teacher or meeting with the child as part of a small group to work on the targeted skill(s). The RtI team will determine the appropriate tier of support (See below for more information about tiers of support.). Your child's progress will be monitored regularly to determine his or her tier of support. Once your child has demonstrated success, interventions will be discontinued. Students can always resume interventions if needed.

 What are the tiers of support?

TIER 1: Tier 1 refers to high-quality core instruction and addresses the needs of most students.

TIER 2:  includes the core instruction provided in Tier 1 and supplemental supports and interventions that may be delivered in small-group instruction, delivered in either the general classroom during flexible grouping or centers or during an additional period.

TIER 3: includes the practices described in Tiers 1 and 2 and is characterized by an increase in the length of time, duration or frequency of the intervention targeted to a student who is not making adequate progress with Tier 2 supports—Tier 3 includes all of the elements of Tiers 1 and 2.

NOTE: If the combination of Tier 1, 2, and 3 supports are not helping the student make adequate progress, then the I&RS process will be initiated.