
Mrs. Harman 

English / Language Arts 

I am very excited to continue my 28th year teaching 8th grade English / Language Arts  for Blair Community Schools.  After graduating from Benson High School in Omaha- (Go, Mighty Bunnies!)- I earned my Bachelor of Science Degree in Secondary English and Reading from the University of Nebraska - Lincoln.  My husband and I moved to Denver, Colorado where I began my career in middle schools.  We returned to the Omaha area to raise our three children close to family and so my husband could attend Creighton Law School.  After teaching in Millard for nine years and earning my Master's Degree in Curriculum and Instruction from Doane College, we moved to Blair attracted by the small town atmosphere and great schools. I am also proud to have been the assistant director for 13 Blair High School musicals and the assistant speech team coach at BHS for four years!  You can always find me supporting Blair sports and fine arts activities! I love to read, swim, travel, sew, read some more, and spend time with my family and our black lab, Indiana. 

This year we will focus on the development and reinforcement of language arts skills: reading, writing, speaking, and listening in accordance with Blair Community Schools and Nebraska State Standards. Our main areas of study from our new textbook resources, My Perspectives, will be the following: grammar, usage, and mechanics; vocabulary; elements of fiction; elements of nonfiction; drama; poetry; and reading, speaking, and writing skills. Our units will focus on the following Essential Questions: What are some milestones on the path to growing up? How do we remember the past? When is it right to take a stand? In what different ways can people be intelligent?

Differences of habit and language are nothing at all 

if our aims are identical and our hearts are open. 

~J.K. Rowling, "The Beginning," Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire spoken by Albus Dumbledore.

KEEP YOUR HEARTS OPEN...We're going to have an amazing year!

I can't wait to see your faces! 

(402) 426-3678 ex. 2867



Please see your Google Classroom class stream for announcements, daily agenda, plans, and assignments. 

*My daily schedule:

BLOCK 1 = English/ Language Arts

BLOCK 2 = English / Language Arts

BLOCK 3 = English / Language Arts

BLOCK 4 = Team Planning / Individual Planning

BLOCK 5 = English / Language Arts