E-Learning Videos

Week of May 11

Campfire Sing Along

Campfire Sing Along.mp4

Join in on some fun songs to sing around the campfire!

Take ME Out TO the Ball Game

Take Me Out To the Ballgame.mp4

Grab a ball and play along!

Week of may 4

Risseldy Rosseldy

Risseldy Rosseldy.mp4

Silly Sing Along

California Strut

California Strut --Folk Dance.mp4

Folk Dance

Week of April 27

Had A little Rooster

Had A Little Rooster.mp4

Vocal Exploration Story

Rhythm Exploration

Rhythm Exploration.mp4

Find an instrument at home and play along

Sidewalk Rhythms

Sidewalk Chalk Rhythms.mp4

Get outside and create some music

week of April 20

There's A Hole In The Bucket

There's A Hole In The Bucket.mp4

Song Tale Sing Along

Old John The Rabbit

Old John the Rabbit.mp4

Play along with found instruments!

Week of APril 13

The Crabfish

The Crabfish.mp4

Song Tale Sing Along

Heel & Toe Polka

Heel & Toe Polka.mp4

Learn a Folk Dance

Week of April 6

Purple Light


Echo Song Sing Along

Cowboy Joe


Vocal Exploration

Week of March 30

I Met A Bear


Echo Song Sing Along

California Strut


Practice Keeping A Steady Beat