
Here are links to some resources to help you in your language acquisition journey:

DuoLingo This is a fabulous learning platform where you can assess your level of Spanish and learn at your pace. Be sure to sign up for my class so I can see your progress!

LyricsTraining Fun sight to learn Spanish with popular Spanish music YouTube videos. Pick "choice mode" instead of "written"- it's easier! Parents beware, the videos all come through YouTube, so your students might be able to access songs with questionable lyrics/videos. Monitor their use if you are concerned!

NewsELA Use this site to access leveled news articles in English or Spanish. Spanish students- look for articles in Spanish and remember you can adjust the reading level. Take the quiz and practice writing. Remember you need to login in with your school Google account to access full articles!

Univision Read news and watch videos in Spanish! I love these pages: Comunidad Especiales

CNN en español Another great resource for reading news and watching videos in Spanish. Check out these pages: Heroes de CNN DocuFilms EnMarcha Impacta tu Mundo

Quizlet Lots of vocabulary and grammar practice. This link goes to my page but there is plenty more out there! Really good for conjugation practice and there are lots of authentic listening practices. Fun grammar games.

Max viaje a marte Yes, click here to have an awesome book read in Spanish from an actual astronaut in outer space!

Spanish story time Listen and read along to classic stories in Spanish.

Señor Ashby Lots of good stuff including Locura de marzo. He's unlocked a bunch of his site b/c of the Covid crisis.

ProfeLoco Wood River Middle School's very own Profe Carr's amazing videos on YouTube.

Señor Wooly Best place for songs and fun games! You need a membership to access. Students, contact me if your password is not working.

Word Reference This is the place to go when you need an online Spanish dictionary. Great resource for grammar tutorials and practice.

Spanish on Netflix List of shows to watch in Spanish.