What are the core key outcomes for students & employers to consider?

Key outcomes can be defined as the changes that have taken place in the individual as a result of going through a learning process. Some learning outcomes may be acquired as a result of experiences and/or training other than in the traditional classroom/lecture situation i.e. through a placement. 

Whilst on placement these general key outcomes can be considered:


1. Malleable self-theory: belief that attributes (e.g. intelligence) are not fixed and can be developed 

2. Self-awareness: awareness of own strengths and weaknesses, aims and values 

3. Self-confidence: confidence in dealing with the challenges in employment and life 

4. Independence: ability to work without supervision 

5. Emotional intelligence: sensitivity to others’ emotions and the effects they can have 

6. Adaptability: ability to respond positively to changing circumstances and new challenges 

7. Stress tolerance: ability to retain effectiveness under pressure 

8. Initiative: ability to take action unprompted 

9. Willingness to learn: commitment to on-going learning to meet the needs of employment and life 

10. Reflectiveness: the disposition to reflect evaluatively on the performance of oneself and others


11. Reading effectiveness: the recognition and retention of key points 

12. Numeracy: ability to use numbers at an appropriate level of accuracy 

13. Information retrieval: ability to access different information sources 

14. Language skills: possession of more than a single language 

15. Written communication: clear reports, letters, etc., written specifically for the reader 

16. Oral presentation: clear and confident presentation of information to a group 

17. Computer literacy: ability to use a range of software


18. Self-management: ability to work in an efficient and structured manner 

19. Critical analysis: ability to ‘deconstruct’ a problem or situation 

20. Creativity: ability to be original or inventive and to apply lateral thinking 

21. Listening: focused attention in which key points are recognized 

22. Explaining: orally and in writing 


23. Commercial awareness: understanding of business issues and priorities 

24. Global awareness: in terms of both cultures and economics 

25. Political sensitivity: appreciates how organisations actually work and acts accordingly 

26. Ability to work cross-culturally: both within and beyond UK 

27. Ethical sensitivity: appreciates ethical aspects of employment and acts accordingly 

28. Prioritising: ability to rank tasks according to importance 

29. Planning: setting of achievable goals and structuring action 

30. Applying subject understanding: use of disciplinary understanding from HE programme (e.g. marketing, finance, human resource mgmt. etc.) 

31. Coping with ambiguity and complexity: ability to handle ambiguous and complex situations 

32. Problem-solving: selection and use of appropriate methods to find solutions  


33. Acting morally: has a moral code and acts accordingly 

34. Influencing: convincing others of the validity of one’s point of view 

35. Arguing for and/or justifying a point of view or a course of action 

36. Resolving conflict: both intra-personally and in relationships with others 

37. Decision making: choice of the best option from a range of alternatives 

38. Negotiating: discussion to achieve mutually satisfactory resolution of contentious issues 

39. Teamwork: can work constructively with others on a common task