Sports Coaching

What does a sports coach do?

Taken from Prospects 2022

As a sports coach, you'll help people participating in sports to work towards achieving their full potential. They may support professional sportspeople, sports teams, community teams or school groups, working closely with them to improve performance. They may have a role in encouraging underrepresented groups or young people to participate in sporting activities.

Sports coaches bring out ability by identifying needs and planning and implementing suitable training programmes. Whatever the context, coaching involves developing the participants' physical and psychological fitness and providing the best possible practical conditions in order to maximise their performance.

Coaches must also be aware of their ethical and legal obligations to their clients.

Many coaches combine coaching with other, often full-time, jobs. Many sports coaches work part time and unpaid, offering their coaching services on a purely voluntary basis.

Planning and administration


Degree ideas:

Relevant degree and HND/foundation degree subjects include:


The following intermediate, advanced and higher apprenticeships are relevant to this role:

While relevant academic qualifications may provide a useful background, you can only become a qualified coach by gaining the appropriate coaching qualification, offered by the NGB of your chosen sport. For a list of NGBs, see UK Sport. 

You can start your training while you're in sixth form or at college, as 16 is the minimum age to begin qualifying for roles such as assistant coach or leader. Courses vary in length and may be full time, part time or taken by distance learning. Practical coaching competency must be demonstrated.

Some higher education sports-related courses offer the opportunity to gain coaching qualifications in conjunction with the academic degree programme. Progress as a sports coach is impossible without these, even if you have a sports-related degree. Sport governing bodies have differing levels of qualifications corresponding to S/NVQ levels 1-4.


Different employers offer different kinds of opportunities. 

The range of employers includes:

Holiday camps and organisations such as PGL recruit coaches to deliver a variety of activities, mainly in school holidays. You can also arrange to work abroad as a sports coach over the summer, particularly in the USA, through organisations such as BUNAC and Camp America.

Career Videos 

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