Clinical Psychologist 

What is a Clinical Psychologist?

Clinical psychologists assess and treat clients with a range of mental or physical health issues, conditions and disorders. 

This can include anxiety, depression, psychosis, 'personality disorder', eating disorders, addictions, learning disabilities and family or relationship issues. 

What is the aim of a clinicial psychologist?

The aim of a Clinical Psychologist is to help support clients and improve wellbeing who have a variety of mental health issues or conditions. 

These can include :

Clinical Psychologists will assess, diagnose and help a client to manage their individual needs. 

When a client is assessed a treatment plan will be established which may entail counselling, advice or therapy. 

How do you become a Clinical psychologist? 

To begin training you'll normally need Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership (GBC), which is achieved by completing a psychology degree or conversion course accredited by The British Psychological Society (BPS).

You'll then complete a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology that is accredited by the BPS and approved by the HCPC. 

You'll usually need a first class honours degree or a 2:1 (some courses will require an upper 2:1) to get a place on a Doctorate course. Some providers may accept a 2:2 (or a lower 2:1) if you have a relevant Masters or PhD. You'll also need relevant clinical/research work experience.

Applications for most doctorate courses are made through the Clearing House for Postgraduate Courses in Clinical Psychology. However, the University of Hull and Queen's University Belfast operate their own admissions process. Applications usually open during September and close in November. The majority of courses are full time over three years.

You'll be employed throughout the course by the NHS as a trainee clinical psychologist and will receive a salary. Training follows a structured programme of learning which combines academic and practical training, including clinical placements and research.

On successful completion of your Doctorate, you're eligible to apply for registration with the HCPC and chartered status with the BPS.

Taken from prospects 2023


Most clinical psychologists are employed by the NHS. Opportunities are available in a range of health and social care settings, including:

Taken from Prospects 2023

Work experience & volunteering